62nd Cannes Film Festival has proved a wonderful platform for Indian Film Maker Sandeep Marwah to announce a joint ventures with the film makers of Georgia when he was invited by the Minister of Cultural, Monuments Protection and sports of Georgia Nicholas Rurua to Georgia to look for himself the growing demand of film and TV business in their country.
Sandeep Marwah the president of Marwah Studios and Director of First private film school of India, Asian Academy Of Film And TV (AAFT) offered student exchange, faculty exchange programs along with the joint ventures to produce short film with the film and TV students of Georgian film School when he was representing India in the meeting of International delegates held by the Georgian Minister Nicholas Rurua at 62nd Cannes Film Festival at Majestic Hotel. Marwah offered scholarship to the students of Georgia to come to India to learn about Indian Film Industry to strengthen the relation between two countries.
“It is very necessary to take initiative to invite important film makers from Georgia to India to develop new relationship between two countries. Films are the best way to exchange culture.” said Sandeep Marwah, who is the World record holder of producing largest number of short films.
“We are very keen to join hands with Indian Film Industry, which is largest in the World and exchange programs and education with Marwah Studios is the right start.” Added Nicholas Rurua.
The meeting was also attended by Konstantin chlaidze the General Director of Georgian National Film Centre, David Vashadze the manager Research and Development, Georgian National Film Centre, Guka Rcheulishvili, the film maker from Georgia and many others including Archll Menagarishvili , Dy Director , Georgian Films.