Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sandeep Marwah Honored With UP Ratna Award At Lucknow

Some of the prominent personalities of State of Uttar Pradesh were honored with Ratna Award at Lucknow the capital of Uttar Pradesh for their untiring efforts for the promotion of society informed Prakash Nidhi Sharma the organizer of the program and President of All India Conference of Intellectuals. “It is my honour to present the award to the dignities who have spare their time, money, resources and efforts to do something or other worthy for the benefit of the society-there is nothing more than the service before the self” said Lt. Gen. K.M. Seth the former Governor of Chattisgarh in the capacity of Chief Guest at Lucknow while presenting the awards to States Achievers. Bringing film and television education and training to the World level and attracting students from 90 countries to U.P. at the most cost effective programs, Sandeep Marwah deserves more than an award announced the coordinator. “I am so thankful for bestowing upon me a state award, it has added more to my responsibility towards my state” expressed Sandeep Marwah an international media person.