Monday, June 15, 2015

ICMEI International Media Summit on 28th August Fixed

New Delhi: “There is a need to highlight the media and entertainment trade between two giants of the World that is India and USA. An International Media Summit has been designed to bring this relationship to public and people from the industry” said Sandeep Marwah President of ICMEI.

IACC-The Indo American Chamber of Commerce and Marwah Studio are supporting this business cause. The 28th August has been fixed at Hyatt Regency New Delhi as its venue.

The Summit will have a formal inauguration followed by two technical sessions where discussions and question answers will be part of these sessions.

Some renowned personalities have been requested to be part of this summit from all over India and abroad. The meeting was attended by large number of members of International & National Coordination Committee including Chairperson Babeetta Sakxena Secretary General Ashok Tyagi and ASMS Director Dr. A.K. Srivastava.