Monday, August 15, 2022

Beauty Pageant Brings Sense of Healthy Competition - Sandeep Marwah

Sandeep Marwah Inaugurated Mrs India Queen of Substance 2022

New Delhi: “A Fashion Show is a show for a fashion designer to show off his or her new collection of fashion designs. A Beauty Pageant, on the other hand, is completely different. It is a competition which usually pits female contestants against each other. Beauty Pageant brings sense of healthy Competition,’ said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of AAFT School of Fashion and Design while inaugurating  the 7th edition of Mrs India- Queen of Substance 2022 at Hotel Welcome.
 The main competition is based on beauty, but will also include aspects of personality, intelligence, talent, and answers to judges' questions. The judges will judge the contestants on this basis and will announce a winner at the end explained Dr. Marwah to the new comers at the beauty pageant.

I must congratulate Rithika Viney and Viney Yadav the founders and promoters of this beauty pageant for the successful presentation where women are participating from all over India and abroad. These kind of events support  talent to come up and adds on to women empowerment added Dr. Marwah. The event was conducted by Aman Verma and supported by ICMEI-International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry.