The atmosphere was charged with emotion and excitement as the black caps were flung in the air amongst cheers at the Convocation at Asian School of Media Studies, one of the most prestigious and popular media colleges of the country. The students of Graduate and Masters studies of ASMS had gathered at the convocation to receive their Diplomas in their chosen stream of specialization. The Diplomas were awarded to the students from the Department of Cinema, Electronic Media, Mass Media and Multimedia. In his Convocation address given in his signatory poetic manner Prof. Sandeep Marwah, Director ASMS, said “No success can be achieved without a spirit of sacrifice. Life teaches you at every step and it is for you to learn from it and boldly face all kinds of circumstances and consequences”. The packed house of students was charged with emotions at these words. There was a sense of loss at leaving the college they had been so proud of.“We at ASMS give an all-round training and education to our students to secure their future. This includes ethical and professional practices coupled with good conduct beThe atmosphere was charged with emotion and excitement as the black caps were flung in the air amongst cheers at the Convocation at Asian School of Media Studies, one of the most prestigious and popular media colleges of the country. The students of Graduate and Masters studies of ASMS had gathered at the convocation to receive their Diplomas in their chosen stream of specialization. The Diplomas were awarded to the students from the Department of Cinema, Electronic Media, Mass Media and Multimedia. In his Convocation address given in his signatory poetic manner Prof. Sandeep Marwah, Director ASMS, said “No success can be achieved without a spirit of sacrifice. Life teaches you at every step and it is for you to learn from it and boldly face all kinds of circumstances and consequences”. The packed house of students was charged with emotions at these words. There was a sense of loss at leaving the college they had been so proud of.“We at ASMS give an all-round training and education to our students to secure their future. This includes ethical and professional practices coupled with good conduct befitting good citizens” said Suman Bajaj Kalra, Dean ASMS. In renowned film and TV actress Joyoshree Arora’s words “Students must first be good human beings to be good professionals to reach the top.” Added Kalyan Sarkar, Dean AAFT, “the seat at the top will always beckon you if you live by this norm”“You can win the world with emotions and good communication” was the valuable advice given by Latika Sahni, Dean, Asian Business School. Mr. R.K. Singh, former Engineer in Chief of Doordarshan advised “Never forget your alma mater, however big you may grow”Others who spoke on the occasion were Rahul Sehgal, Sudesh Sharma, Kavita Koli and Om Prakash, the respective Department Heads. The convocation ceremony ended with mirth and joy and a series of photographs capturing the last fleeting moments of this emotional gathering fitting good citizens” said Suman Bajaj Kalra, Dean ASMS. In renowned film and TV actress Joyoshree Arora’s words “Students must first be good human beings to be good professionals to reach the top.” Added Kalyan Sarkar, Dean AAFT, “the seat at the top will always beckon you if you live by this norm”“You can win the world with emotions and good communication” was the valuable advice given by Latika Sahni, Dean, Asian Business School. Mr. R.K. Singh, former Engineer in Chief of Doordarshan advised “Never forget your alma mater, however big you may grow”Others who spoke on the occasion were Rahul Sehgal, Sudesh Sharma, Kavita Koli and Om Prakash, the respective Department Heads. The convocation ceremony ended with mirth and joy and a series of photographs capturing the last fleeting moments of this emotional gathering