Friday, May 6, 2011

International Film And Television club Celebrates 70th Film Festival

IFTC International Film And Television Club of Marwah Studios has finalized the dates of its 70th AAFT festival of Short Digital Films .The festival will take place at the campus of Marwah Studios at Film City Noida the popular venue for many feature films and television serials.

AAFT Festival of short films is the only festival in the World which happens after every three months. It is now an another international record for Sandeep Marwah to be the President of the festival for the 70th times in the last 19 years of its existence where in total more than 1000 short films have been shown submitted by 700 young directors and participation by 9000 media persons of 80 countries of the World.

“I have never believed in awards, rewards or records. I have always believed in generating work and hard work” said Sandeep Marwah. “You keep on working the awards, rewards and records will follow you” added Marwah.

IFTC is supported by International Film And Television Research Centre, International Public Broadcasting Forum, International Children’s Film forum.