Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sandeep Marwah Released The Poetry Book On World Poetry Day

“Poetry contributes to creative diversity, by questioning anew our use of words and things, our modes of perception and understanding of the world” said Sandeep Marwah Ambassador of International Human Rights Organization affiliated to United Nation while releasing the poetry book of ADA at Marwah Studios on the World Poetry Day. “Through its associations, its metaphors and its own grammar, poetic language is thus conceivably another facet of the dialogue among cultures. Diversity in dialogue, free flow of ideas by word, creativity and innovation. World Poetry Day is an invitation to reflect on the power of language and the full development of each person’s creative abilities” Marwah added. Every year on 21 March UNESCO celebrates the World Poetry Day. A decision to proclaim 21 March as World Poetry Day was adopted during the UNESCO’s 30th session held in Paris in 1999. According to the UNESCO’s decision, the main objective of this action is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities. Moreover, this Day is meant to support poetry and related fine arts in all possible ways. Sandeep Marwah also explained the activities of Asian Academy of Arts, an organization to promote all sorts of fine arts including Poetry.