Sunday, September 15, 2019

International Youth Fellowship Congratulated Chief Scout For India

Chief Scout For India Honored at Global Education Summit

Noida: “I on behalf of International Youth Fellowship extend my heartiest congratulations to Dr. Sandeep Marwah Chancellor AAFT University for being nominated as Chief Scout for India recently, one of the prime position in India to deal with the youth,” said DR. Kim Jae Hong at the Global Education Summit while handing over the memento to Dr. Marwah.

Educational Heads for more than forty major institutions greeted Dr. Sandeep Marwah for this achievement and for being honored by International Youth Fellowship.

I am so thankful to my President and Prime Minister of India for bestowing upon me such a great responsibility, where I am absolutely ready to execute my duties to my best. It is an honor to be on such a position,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah thanking each and every one for their cooperation.