Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sandeep Marwah Honored For His Social Activities by UN

Sandeep Marwah Honored by UN at NIOS

Noida: A tree plantation function was organized by the biggest educational group of India- National Institute of Open Schooling at their national campus at sector 62 at Noida in the presence of large number of senior executives, team of professors and teachers from all over India.

Special placement was made to the trees planted by Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studios, Rajiv Chandran of UNIC, Bharat Ghooba of Shoobh and Prof. C.B. Sharma Chairman of NIOS at their front lawn of the complex with nameplates attached to it.

The plantation was followed by the award function where Rajiv Chandran of United Nations Information Centre honored Sandeep Marwah with ‘UN Shawl of Responsibility’ for his untiring efforts for the promotion of environment programs in special and lots of social activity in general.

“We have case studies of people like Sandeep Marwah who being so busy in their business still devote time to social activities and environment control. The Charity Begins at Home” said Rajiv Chandran.

 “I am thankful to United Nations and NIOS for encouraging me by honoring me. I Promise to plant one million trees in India through all my different organizations” thanked Marwah.