Friday, November 2, 2012

World Religious Parliament Will Bring Spirituality to 5th GFFN

“The purpose of 5th Global Film Festival is to bring harmony in the society. Idea is to develop and promote peace in the World through cinema, art and culture” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and Global Film Festival Noida 2012 while finalizing the enviolvement of World Religious Parliament. The secretary of World Religious Parliament Acharya Satinder expressed that Cinema is the biggest source of communication and spirituality can be promoted throughout the World with he help of cinema. World Religious Parliament is a body to promote spirituality and humanity and consists of people from all the religion, cast, creed and different segments of the society. 5th Global Film Festival Noida will invite religious heads to the campus to bring spiritual environment including leaders from Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Budhism, Parsi and Sikhism.