Saturday, February 22, 2014

Seminar on The Role of Social Media In Changing The Face of Journalism

“It is the age of citizen’s journalism. First it was mobile which added to citizen’s journalism and now the social media has contributed a lot to it. What are the errors we are committing in this easy game” questioned Sandeep Marwah President of International Journalism Centre at the seminar on the first day of 2nd Global Festival of Journalism Noida 2014.

Many questions were generated from the house, full of audience, which were replied by the strong board and panelist who answered them after their own Contribution to the seminar.

Renowned Lawyer and Journalist Venkat, Katyani Chaturvedi from P7,Journalist from Punjab Swaran, Naveet Kumar Editor-Zee and Nitin Saxena from ASMS spoke their minds.

Sandeep Marwah honored the guests with life membership of International Journalism Centre a body to promote journalism and to understand the basic needs of journalists and journalism.