Monday, May 1, 2023

ICMEI Observed World Veterinary Day

ICMEI Observed World Veterinary Day on 27th April-Poster Launched

Noida: The International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI) celebrated World Veterinary Day on April 24th, highlighting the critical role that veterinarians play in promoting animal health and welfare. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios, spoke to the members on the occasion, emphasizing the importance of responsible animal care in building a sustainable future.

Marwah praised the tireless efforts of veterinarians in ensuring the health and wellbeing of animals, noting that their work is essential for maintaining ecological balance and preventing the spread of zoonotic diseases. He also highlighted the need to raise awareness about animal welfare issues and promote responsible pet ownership.

ICMEI recognizes the vital role that veterinarians play in safeguarding animal health and promoting public health, and stands ready to support their work through advocacy, education, and collaboration. The World Veterinary Day celebration at ICMEI serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible animal care and the need to prioritize the health and welfare of all animals.